lunes, 25 de enero de 2016


          The Enlightenment brought many ideas. With all these new ideas, people´s way of thinking
          changed too. The Church which had a very important role in society, started to be doubted by
          the enlightened thinkers and later by the people. The biggest way the Enlightenment attacked
          the Church was with this principles:

  1. Trust in science:  people said that they will only believe in things that are scientifically proved.
  2. Pantheism:  if God reveals through nature and he created nature, that means we can discover God in nature so they say that we don´t need priests.
  3. Man is intrinsically good: the Church said that man are born equal and good but does it mean that the original sin doesn´t exist?
  4. Religious tolerance:  enlightened thinkers said all religions should be accepted.
  5. Rational religion:  people ask why they should believe in the Church and in physically impossible things, such as miracles, if they aren´t proved.


         Lots of people separate from the Church The three ideologies that were born were: liberalism, 
         conservatism and nationalism.

                                                                          Liberalism ("freedom")


There were many conservatives who don´t wanted to accept the new way of thinking and they 
wanted to end with every new idea.


Nationalists celebrate their country. Countries started to look like nowadays.


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